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North Hills Christian School

North Hills vision is to Love God, Serve Others, and Change the World. Our primary purpose towards the accomplishment of this task is to preach Jesus and his resurrection that brings life to broken people. This is the main focus of our Sunday morning worship experience but NH is more than Sunday. A significant ministry of North Hills takes place Monday - Friday when hundreds of children gather throughout our 9-acre campus for preschool care and K-12th grade quality Christian education! Our goal is to impact the Vallejo area by partnering with parents to raise dedicated and caring kids to become compassionate and contributing members of tomorrow's Vallejo.

  • Effective Communicators E
  • Academic Achievers A
  • Genuine Christians G
  • Lifelong Learners L
  • Empowered Citizens E

Effective Communicators

  • Listen actively, speak persuasively and respectfully, read critically and write clearly
  • Use technology effectively and responsibly to enhance communication
  • Express ideas and creative abilities through art, drama, music, and foreign language
  • Express and defend their faith in all situations



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