North Hills K-12 School | Student Life
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Student Life

NHCS Middle School is a safe, diverse, and enriching environment for our students. Outside of the classrooms as well as during the school day our students are involved in activities such as Student Government, Athletics, Community Service, Fine Arts, Choir, and Chapel. Students are given the opportunity to try several extra-curricular activities and through those activities they are able to gain experience, build friendships, and memories to last a lifetime.

Middle School students have an active voice in Student Government and the opportunity to plan and execute student activities, including lock-ins and community service projects like donuts for the Vallejo Fire Dept. Both Middle and High School Student Councils plan and promote and lead out in the annual prayer event “See You At the Pole.”

One of the Middle School electives does an end of semester musical performance. Students work as actors, singers, and dancers. Another elective class helps build props, design the program, and develop promotion strategies. On the night of the performance students run sound and lights or work behind the scene moving props.

Student athletics is a significant part of middle school life. Check out the athletics page to read more about what BACSAL, our league, offers.

Check out the recap of the North Hills Service Project Day at